Carcassonne - The Tower Nordic
  • Carcassonne - The Tower Nordic

Carcassonne - The Tower Nordic

The Tower is the fourth major expansion for the Carcassonne&nbspgame. Tower segments are added to the game, as well as some new actions. Instead of placing a Meeple as usual on their turns, players can now either place a tower segment on a tile with a space for a tower, add a tower segment to a tower already standing, or place a Meeple on top of a tower (which finishes it). Placing a tower segment allows you to capture other players' Meeples, so long as they are in view of the tower in an orthog
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Legetøj & fritid
+299 38 11 6
Reference: 1111479

The Tower is the fourth major expansion for the Carcassonne&nbspgame. Tower segments are added to the game, as well as some new actions. Instead of placing a Meeple as usual on their turns, players can now either place a tower segment on a tile with a space for a tower, add a tower segment to a tower already standing, or place a Meeple on top of a tower (which finishes it).

Placing a tower segment allows you to capture other players' Meeples, so long as they are in view of the tower in an orthogonal direction. If the tower is 1 piece high, they can capture Meeples that are within 1 tile of the tower if the tower is 2 pieces high, they can capture Meeples within 2 tiles of the tower etc. Not only do players lose whatever they may have scored with that Meeple, but they also have to pay 3 victory points if they want to free their Meeple.

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